For the products or services applicable - Not all products or services are covered under Refund policy. Only applicable if there is a refund policy mention on the product’s website landing page and checkout page.

We at want you to be satisfied with your purchase of any of our products.

If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our support team directly. -

If you couldn’t get the desired results with any of our products, contact our help group, show us you really took every necessary step by presenting ALL the work that you finished. We will survey it and endeavour to help right the issue. In the event that you have taken the necessary steps, and are not getting results, we will work with you one on one to enable you accomplish results. On the event that we couldn’t help, we'll issue a FULL refund.

To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request and completed homework before 11:59pm Indian Standard Time on the 30th day following your purchase. After you submit your materials, all refunds are discretionary*.

For the purposes of this Return and Refund Policy: No refunds will be provided more than 30 days following the date of purchase. There will be no exceptions.

If you opted for a payment plan, all payments must be completed. You may not cancel part way through. This is done to avoid fraud.

*Note: All refunds are discretionary. If you just downloaded the training material (pdfs, audios, videos, and/or etc), and then promptly asked for a refund, we reserve the right to deny your refund request.

The purpose of this policy is to allow individuals to attempt the framework, and on the off chance that it doesn't work, they can recover the amount they invested. It wasn't intended to allow individuals to take the preparation material and after that request a refund a couple of days later.

If you pay in full or choose the payment plan and then download the materials, see the videos and get the information, then there will be no refunds issued and you must complete the payment plan if you selected one.

If the payment plan is not completed on time, we will pursue it with a collection agency until the entire payment plan is made. Additional fees and fines might apply in this case.

Furthermore, if it is clear that your homework/ tasks are incomplete or that you did not implement the strategies taught in the course, your refund will be denied. However, we will still help and support you in order to get you results.

If you pay using PayPal, this refund policy does not cover paypal's buyers assurance. You will first and dependably reach us first before escalating to paypal to ensure we are aiding and serving you in the most ideal manner conceivable. In the event that you request a refund, and it is denied (for the reasons expressed above), however when you move and raise to PayPal, that movement and refund will likewise be denied and you forgo your rights to paypal’s buyers assurance. Extra expenses and fines may apply to this situation.

By purchasing, downloading, or viewing any of our products you are also agreeing with our Terms of Service

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1st floor, Premier Technology Building, B-Wing, IT Park Rd, Gayatri Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440022

Call directly:

(+91) 9225228006

(+91) 7757014600

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